The Neurobiology of Shadow – Integral Conversation with Jeff Salzman [AUDIO]

By Dr. Keith Witt
January 7, 2014
JeffSalzman_KeithWitt_200 Another month and another terrific conversation with my good friend and conversation partner Jeff Salzman, of In this conversation we cover The Neurobiology of Shadow, and how we handle the “shadow” in our own lives, in particular the bits of the shadow which we do not or can not perceive and which have the biggest and most powerful impact in our lives. Listen to the Integral Conversation here, or click through to read Jeff’s article and listen to the audio on his site.
MP3 Download In Jeff’s own words:
The “shadow” is a Jungian term that means the hidden aspects of our psyche that motivate us but that we are unaware of. For instance, we may experience an anger that comes out of nowhere, an inexplicable attraction or aversion to other people, a depression that descends in times of stress. In this month’s installment of The Shrink and the Pundit, Dr. Keith Witt, integral psychotherapist extraordinaire, approaches the subject of psychological shadow from an unusual angle: neurobiology. As good integralists we’re aware that for every interior state of mind (upper left quadrant) there is an exterior neurological corollary in the brain (upper right quadrant). Whatever you’ve repressed or negated, projected or idolized, it’s likely the function of a neural network that served you at one time, but is not necessarily serving you now.
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