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Integrally Informed Sex Therapy

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Integrally informed sex therapy blends naturally with other systems. Tom Habid just presented his five relational stages to our Soultank group and I’ve expanded his material to include erotic issues and capacities particularly relevant to each of Tom’s stages. 

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Panic Attacks

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Panic attacks can happen at stressful moments. They occur suddenly, peak in the first 10 minutes, and are usually gone in 30 minutes. If you do start having panic attacks, don’t panic!

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How Deepest Consciousness Often Means Most Responsibility

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

In many social settings, the person with the deepest consciousness (the most compassionate understanding) has a special responsibility to help things go well. Deeper consciousness generates clearer vision and more mature moral clarity, which both guide us to contribute what we can. This requires courage!

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Alcoholism or Problem Drinking?

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

All alcoholics are problem drinkers, but not all problem drinkers are alcoholics. I’m going to show you how I encourage people who report any kind of problem drinking to explore if they are able to moderate. If they can’t, they are usually alcoholics.

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Integrally informed meta-psychotherapy

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Within the scaffolding of an Integrally informed meta-psychotherapy, all theories/approaches self-organize into multidimensional living structures, always undulating, growing, and integrating through four quadrants.

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Ideology and Psychotherapy

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Not surprisingly, the current political polarization has worked its way into psychotherapy and psychotherapy grad programs. As usual, there are healthy and unhealthy aspects to this trend.

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Conflict in Post-Issue Relationships

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

The ideal goal in any conflict is to get back to love in seconds. This requires both partners to immediately recognize conflicts as they arise and shift instantly into mutual understanding.

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Personalities are the base notes of change work

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Whatever mode of therapy you’re using, it’s beneficial to keep influencing clients to install missing capacities in their personalities and take responsibility for problems stemming from maladaptive personality traits. It’s always a good idea to help people be more flexible, adaptive, and appropriate. This is both especially difficult and crucially important with personality disorders.

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The Hero’s Journey

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Joseph Campbell studied 114 cultures to find common mythic themes, and a central one was the Hero’s journey—how people are challenged, meet challenges, and are transformed by their struggles. We are on different Hero’s Journeys all the time.

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An Integral Understanding of Narcissism and Gaslighting, Part 3

In General by Chris Foley

Narcissism is characterized by self-absorption, self-centeredness, the objectification of others, and a constant hunger for attention and praise—narcissistic supply. People with pathological narcissism—seeing others as merely objects for gratification—can also hunger to enjoy the suffering of others. This is where narcissism sinks into psychopathy.

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An Integral Understanding of Narcissism and Gaslighting, Part 2

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Narcissism is characterized by self-absorption, self-centeredness, the objectification of others, and a constant hunger for attention and praise—narcissistic supply. People with pathological narcissism—seeing others as merely objects for gratification—can also hunger to enjoy the suffering of others. This is where narcissism sinks into psychopathy.

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An Integral Understanding of Narcissism and Gaslighting

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

An Integral understanding looks for deeper dynamics and practical approaches to identifying and addressing narcissism and gaslighting, and positions these problems as developmental challenges for everyone concerned—those dealing with narcissism as well as those suffering from narcissistic wounds.

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The Neurobiology of Spirituality

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

How relevant is spirituality to normal development? According to a number of epidemiological findings and much neurobiological research, spirituality is of central importance to healthy development.

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Stages of trauma into transcendence

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Trauma is an increasingly popular field in psychology, psychotherapy, and the world in general. Through countless studies in interpersonal neurobiology and social psychology, we now understand trauma more than ever before, and have many approaches to help resolve trauma into growth and development.

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Radical generosity

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Excerpt: Have you ever been bored with your partner and think that the solution is him or her becoming sexier or more interesting?

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Influence and discernment

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

We tend to respond better or worse—and be influenced more or less—by different sequences of social engagements. For example, first impressions stick, and the last interaction in a sequence more heavily defines the whole social encounter. 

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Shame into regret

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

The challenge of therapy (and development) is to turn shame which trashes our worth and moral fiber, into regret which has more of “I wish I knew then what I know now, so I could have behaved better and caused less damage.”

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The H Factor

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

In the HEXACO 6-factor personality system, the H factor reflects how humble/honest or arrogant/dishonest a person is. I find this fascinating, with a lot of potential ramifications for other types and world views. 

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Forgiveness and radical acceptance

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

It’s astonishing how many human miseries can be resolved through forgiveness and radical acceptance. Never forgiving is taking poison to punish someone else—the more you punish the sicker you get. 

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Happy yes: Part 1

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

One great principle of happy relationships is to say “Yes” as much as possible. Couples who do this are happier, healthier, and have better sex. “Yes, I’ll remember to wipe …
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Post-Issue Relationships

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Post-issue relationships are the goal of all psychotherapiesIn a post-issue relationship, each problem is an opportunity to grow and love. A post-issue relationship still has problems, resentments, doubts, and selfish …
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How Enchanting Stories Can Reshape Your Reality

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

“Observe with interest” is one of the nuggets of wisdom I say repeatedly thanks to my guest joining us today, Dr. Keith Witt. He teaches us that we can observe stories through an outside perspective, and when we do it with interest there are gifts just waiting for us.
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Myths from the pair bond

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

We humans take the drives and turn them into art, and arguably the oldest art forms we have are the mythic stories beginning with the ancestral tribes. I believe the human pair bond is the fundamental driver of much mythology. 
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Invisible Audiences

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

We feel observed all the time. We feel observed by our conscious selves and our inner critics. We feel observed by others–by our real and imagined tribes, by the people we pass on the street—because we are tribal beings, evolved to need each other.
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The Integral 3-2-1 process expanded into a 1-2-3-1 process

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

In sessions, therapists use the power of the lower left quadrant intersubjective relationship to help clients make transitions from defensive states into states of healthy response, where the client has some form of compassionate witness activated, thus making numerous healing moves possible.
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A Critical Moment in Relationships

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

If you want enduring bliss, you need to know how to repair injuries back to love! This of course begs the question, “What are the secrets of successful relational repair?”
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Year-round Holiday Spirit? Yes, Please.

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

I always love the worldcentric vibes of the holidays. Peace and love for all, New Year’s Eve around the world, and the brotherhood of man are staples of the season, and seem to be more easily shared this month than the rest of the year.
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Thanksgiving and our ancestral voices

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

It’s a running gag in America that holidays generate emotional conflicts like the Caribbean generates hurricanes. Red/blue political arguments, intoxicated relatives, old family wounds exposed, social obligations grudgingly met, and on and on.
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An Integral understanding of suicide

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Suicide has been in existence as long as self-aware consciousness has been in existence. The gift of self-aware consciousness included the capacity for humans to anticipate and understand the inevitability of their own deaths, and all gifts come with a price.
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Relational dead spots and how to deal with them

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

An intimate love relationship is composed of a friendship, a love affair, and different abilities to repair problems when they arise. Relationships progress through attraction, to affiliation, to romantic infatuation, to intimate bonding, to better or worse in the long run.
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Depression is the great deceiver

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

There is four times the rate of depression now than in 1987. We’ve essentially been doubling the amount of depression in this country for each of the last three generations. Even considering an increased tendency to diagnose depression now than in previous years, this emerging 21st century culture is clearly not particularly conducive to happy care-free lives.
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Explain and listen, don’t make excuses.

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Who is your closest relationship right now? Do you get along well all the time? Do you fight occasionally? To those who can’t think of a conflict, come on! You must have fought or been irritated at least once! Remember your last fight or disagreement. As you and he or she struggled, were you listening, explaining, making excuses, or attacking? Probably you were doing several of these.
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Deeper Consciousness Means More Responsibility

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

In my book, Waking Up, I maintain that Integral psychotherapists cultivate compassion and depth of consciousness to co-create healing cultures with their clients. Depth of consciousness means understanding people within the many contexts of their lives, including the altitudes they typically inhabit on a variety of developmental lines like the self, interpersonal, parenting, morals, psychosexual, and integration-of-defenses lines. With deeper consciousness in my clients and myself comes felt responsibilities to help all those contexts, but with varying degrees of urgency.
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The Three Foundations of Marriage

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Marriage is a garden: a couple’s friendship, love affair, and repair of injuries nurtures the marital garden Have you ever had a garden? You love it, tend it, water it, and shape it like the work of art it is. When you do, your garden becomes beautiful and fruitful, delivering whatever you desire—beauty, pleasure, rest, nourishment, purpose—a complex living system to love and cherish. People invest more time and money in gardening than any other hobby in America.
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Integral Parenting

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Integral parenting is simply parenting mostly from integrally informed perspectives. Being Integrally informed helps you be a superior parent, but you don’t have to know Integral to be a great parent.
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Coaching and Psychotherapy

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

I’ve looked with interest at the rise of coaching as a discipline over the last twenty-five years. I love the movement and admire all the men and women who are called to help others in their lives. People are by nature social, and everything we do, any developmental progress we make, involves intimate connections with other people, and we all do better with wise guidance.
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Integral psychotherapy is redefining psycho/spiritual/physical healing in the 21st century

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Integral theory is a meta-theory that creates a scaffolding within which all other theories are organized. Integral psychotherapy is any therapy that takes into account a global understanding of the Kosmos. Objective/subjective, individual/collective, states of consciousness, lines of development, stages of development, spiritual/temporal, and types of individuals are core dimensions of Integral understanding. Any healing approach that practically utilizes these perspectives as cross-validating, mutually influencing forces is by definition Integral psychotherapy.
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Conscious Erotic Polarity

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

The loss of erotic polarity during intimate bonding is one of the main complaints of couples entering therapy. I’ve found many men and women to be shocked at the idea that erotic polarity is a responsibility that can be consciously taken on and improved by knowledge of masculine/feminine aspects/essence, and the principles of masculine presence and feminine radiance.
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The Invisible Audience

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Self-conscious is usually some version of feeling embarrassed in front of an invisible audience — an audience just waiting to find us ridiculous or unattractive. We dress for the invisible audience. We feel judged by the invisible audience. We feel humiliated in front of the invisible audience…you get the picture.
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Conditional Love

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

The love of a husband and wife is in many ways our most important relationship. Strangely, it also is one of the most conditional loves there is.
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Sexism is a Wicked Problem

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Sexism is a wicked problem–meaning it has many components and needs to be addressed from multiple directions. I believe the answers to sexism involve understanding others and ourselves more deeply and determining our responsibilities for solving the problems of sexism. In this process, our own destructive Shadow–our own sexism invisible to us–is the hardest to deal with.
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Shaping the session with furniture

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

I’ve found it useful to have chairs my clients and I can maneuver during the session, either on wheels or chairs you can easily slide. In my office, I have three armchairs on wheels, and other chairs I can bring in for family and group sessions. Each session then takes on a unique shape, depending upon how you and your clients position yourselves before and during the session.
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The (Positive) Power of Shadow

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

“Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.” – Carl Jung In a U.N. study, people rated happiness as more important to …
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Sexual Compulsivity Has Many Forms

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Sexual compulsives can have wildly different kinds and degrees of obsessions. I’ve helped men and women who were absolutely “Sexually addicted.” They urgently craved self-destructive sex like compulsive philandering, prostitutes, …
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Natural and Unnatural Selection

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

For three and a half billion years on earth, the development of all living creatures, plant or animal, happened more or less randomly in response to environmental changes and mutation …
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The Neurobiology of Willpower

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

There’s been a lot of research done in the past fifty years on willpower. Willpower is our ability to decide on a course of action and stick to it, and it’s associated with lots of positives like success, self-esteem, and high SAT scores. But how does willpower play out in the brain? As it turns out, willpower involves a complicated arrangement between our left and right frontal lobes.
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Intimacy and Evolution Are Relational

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

I believe that humans—using conscious focus and intent—extend energetically even farther into direct communion with fields of subtle energies that comprise all knowledge and form in multiple dimensions. It’s all relational, it’s all evolution constantly progressing, and it all leads to human self-aware consciousness joyfully expanding.
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The Physics of Mood

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

We all want to feel better. Sometimes, this can happen instantly with insight, attention, loving acceptance, or shared understanding. But more often than not, feeling better takes time. I call this the “physics of mood,” because our feeling states are based, to a significant degree, on our hormonal systems. Rage, shame, terror, and high anxiety create endocrine baths in our bloodstreams that often don’t instantly disappear when we address them.
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Dealing With Panic Attacks

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Panic attacks are not much fun. Hearts race, hands sweat, you feel like everything is going to hell, and you believe you are powerless, worthless and alone. Many people mistake panic attacks for heart attacks and end up in emergency rooms being prescribed anxiety reducers like xanex and valium.
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Mid-life Crises: Disaster or Turning Point?

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

The concept of a midlife crisis first appeared in a 1965 article by Elliot Jaques, entitled Death and the Midlife Crisis. He, like the psychoanalytic community, felt that approaching death was more fully realized by adults, potentially provoking depression, panic, and strong impulses to flee, change, or recapture a vision of youth and hope.

CEO Empowerment — Find YOUR Superpowers

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

We talked about CEOs, the special challenges they face, and the potential for growth and service inherent in being the top boss. The interface between business and personal existence is a bigger deal than most people realize.


In General by Dr. Keith Witt

On this episode of The Shrink & The Pundit, Dr. Keith tells us that the only difference between a destructive shadow and a constructive shadow is our willingness to engage with it. Not a pleasant task in the best of circumstances, let alone when we’re in the defensive states that arise when our shadows are activated. We have to trust others to help us—our partners, friends, support groups, and of course, our therapists. It takes courage to be vulnerable and open enough to confront these lost parts of ourselves. And since the world is our mirror, it’s always going to happen in relationship. That is the difficulty, and it’s also what saves us.
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LOVING COMPLETELY: An Inside Look at the Five Stars of Healthy Relationships

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Loving Completely is a groundbreaking, self-directed web course designed to help you and your partner improve your connection on every level: physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual. Listen as Keith Witt and Ken Wilber take you on a guided tour through the Five Stars of Healthy Relationships, helping you to love more passionately, to relate more authentically, and to bring more care, compassion, and consciousness into your relationship.
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No Really, Change DOES Begin with YOU – From Beyond Awakening with Terry Patten [AUDIO]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

On December 14, 2014 I had the honor and privilege of speaking with Terry Patten on Beyond Awakening. If you’re unfamiliar with his Community Blog and his site, please do check it out. Our discussion, entitled “We Are the Catastrophe, We Are the Salvation” is now available for audio streaming or download for members of this site. It’s 2 hours in length and covers a lot of ground!

Supporting Each Stage of your Child's Spiritual Growth

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

We all want to support our children having a vibrant enlivening spirituality. How mother and father live their own spirituality, and understand a child’s inner worldviews and progressive developmental awakenings, …

Thank You For Seeing Me, An Integral Conversation with Jeff Salzman [AUDIO]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

In this dialog Jeff and I talk a little bit about how we felt during and after The Integral Living Room gathering. We talk about the difference between trans-rhetorical practice and integral trans-rhetorical practice, how to engage with other people in looking for a deeper truth that neither side knows yet, and letting yourself be influenced and led by the power of the we-space itself.

Developmental Engagement Field Theory, A paper by Dr. Keith Witt

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

A Speculative Framework for the Practical Application of Integrally Informed Psychotherapy Abstract Psychotherapy has benefited from Ken Wilber’s all-levels, all-lines contribution of a developmental perspective expanded through quadrants, states, and …

Ought We Be Ashamed? An Integral Conversation with Jeff Salzman [AUDIO]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

I recently connected with My Integral Brother Jeff Salzman, who runs the DailyEvolver. For this podcast Jeff and I approached shame, a force that if left un-checked can be destructive, but if channeled appropriately can be a constructive force. Below you will find the podcast as well as an excerpt from the DailyEvolver.

The Hero's Journey, Our Journey

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Each of us is born into a unique universe with “me” at the center. That’s the “me” you have always been and always will be. Our universe unfolds as a result of our choices and life circumstances.

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) 3

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

By some measures, 1% to 2% of the population suffer from borderline personality disorder—and I do mean “suffer.” Feeling alternately better than everyone, and then so worthless that you don’t …

Inclusive boundaries – Exclusive boundaries

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Inclusive boundaries — behaviors, attitudes, adjustments, principles, or understandings that I need to be in joyful relationship with you. Honesty, willingness to listen, compassion for my relatives all might be …

How to Have Integral Sex: A Conversation with Jeff Salzman [AUDIO]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

It’s always terrific to connect up with My Integral Brother Jeff Salzman, who runs the excellent DailyEvolver site. As usual, our conversation involved integral psychotherapy, but this conversation covered some pretty exciting ground, namely “How to Have Integral Sex.”

Overloading In The Culture Of Urgency

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Here’s a great article by ELISHA GOLDSTEIN, PH.D. Do you live in a culture of false urgency?  You think not?  No?  Everything is just fine?  Well what about those push notifications …

Is Facebook Bad for Relationships? I Don't Think So

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Facebook has been criticized by bloggers and social media haters over the last four or five years, mostly in response to one study, by of all people, the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML). That’s right, divorce lawyers.

Shakespeare's Million Monkeys – Food for Thought

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Everyone has heard the assertion that a million monkeys typing long enough would produce Shakespeare, but I don’t think people realize the fact that a million monkeys did produce Shakespeare. …

We’re Goodness, Truth and Beauty Machines – Integral Conversation with Jeff Salzman [AUDIO]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

My latest conversation with Dr. Keith Witt really gave me a lift! In evolutionary circles we often hear how the human brain is wired for hypervigilance. Natural selection favors people who see a saber-toothed tiger behind every bush because occasionally one is actually there. And we experience the effect of this programming today within ourselves, showing up as anxiety, worry and a bias for seeing the negative in a situation.

Path With A Heart [83]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Back in the 60’s there was a UCLA anthropology student named Carlos Casteneda who wrote his master’s thesis about his many conversations and psychedelic adventures with a Native American shaman …

Shame Death Spirals

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

In this episode of Therapist in the Wild, Dr. Witt asks us to contemplate shame death spirals. Yes, we know everyone’s favorite subject… Shame makes us feel disapproval, we blush, …

Pride Goeth Before… [82]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

I do a lot of meditations and practices each day, one of which is a mantra called “Green Tara,” where you repeat, “Om, tare, tutare, ture, svaha,” again and again. …

Ten Rules That Will Improve Your Marriage

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Here’s a great list of ten rules that will help you attain long-term martial success! Study up and put them into practice, it might be the best thing you ever …

We influence what we scan for, Part 2 [81]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Let’s all become more optimistic and grateful. Last week we talked about how brains both consciously and unconsciously accumulate habits by scanning constantly, choosing what to focus on, and creating …

We influence what we scan for: Part 1 [80]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Brains are wired to scan for threats, needs, wants, what’s familiar, and what’s novel. Brains monitor the environment like the National Security Agency monitors the airwaves. Scanning for needs and …

Acting In Contradiction To Your Beliefs

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Have you ever found yourself acting in complete contradiction to your own beliefs? This is the important question in a theory of mind called Cognitive Dissonance. This article is really …

When Others Try and Stifle Dreams

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Optimism is a wonderful thing when following your dreams and it’s important to remember that that voice can get drowned out by certain forces that would have you deviate from …

Do You Feel Motivated in Your Marriage?

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

If you’ve followed my blog for the past couple weeks you’ve noticed quite a few “Therapist in the Wild” videos. These videos are general rules, packaged in a short format, …

The Hobbit and married bliss [77]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

I first read The Hobbit in the late fifties when I was nine or ten. It completely blew my mind and instantly became a bible of sorts. Along with the …

The Enneagram and Helen Palmer [76]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

This past New Year’s weekend I had the privilege of presenting a talk called We are all Integral Psychotherapists at the Integral What’s Next conference near Boulder, Co. It was …

Attractor States and Default Modes – Train Your Brain to Shift

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

The first step in lightening up is accepting and managing our darkness. A big part of the price of feeling better turns out to be acknowledging and helping depressed, angry, and anxious self-parts. For instance, you could confidently tell yourself, “Yes, I’m seeing the world through gloomy glasses, but I know it’s a brighter place.”

Reducing Gun Violence: Part 2 [73]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

In Part 1 I detailed David Kennedy’s amazing success reducing street gang shootings all across America ( The conclusion he offered was: Study the problem. Find promising approaches. Try them …

Reducing Gun Violence: Part 1 [72]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

What has worked in America to reduce gun violence? If we look beyond bombast–“Longer prison terms for gun violence! Bring back the death penalty!”–and self-righteous moralizing–“More bans on buying/using/carrying guns!”–we …

False Beliefs Completely Suck [71]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

The fifty-something wife (Joyce) glares angrily at her husband, who first looks defiantly back, but then turns away in obvious discomfort. She is in the middle of a tirade. “John’s …

Freud missed the boat [70]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

People get very busy with their theories. Examples of this are all around us. Free Market true believers say any restraint of trade is bad economics. Social Darwinist conservatives suggest …

Let him inspire you to be a better woman [69]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Men can be scary and infuriating. On the other hand, masculine depth of consciousness can deliver an effortless dance of romance and bliss. In each man’s desires and complaints, there …

Do it when you don't feel like it [68]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Greg and Katy are in their early forties, sitting across from each other in my office, visibly uncomfortable with the conversation. They’ve been discussing each other’s faults for about four …

Masculine Challenge [67]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

“If you point your finger at me one more time, I’m going to slap you upside the head!” This was delivered with no humor and utter conviction by a welder …

Why "Therapist in the Wild"? [66]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

You’ve probably seen one or two of the Therapist in the Wild episodes that my son Ethan and I are producing for our website. You might have asked yourself, “Why …

Hey! Good to see you! [62]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Often when I walk into a room, Becky smiles up and says, “Hey! Good to see you!”  while I say, “Hey! good to see you!”  Our voices are sincere but …

Do you want to go shooting? [60]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

“Do you want to go shooting?” asked Ray many years ago, while he and Judy were over for dinner. “Sure,” I said, intrigued with the idea of firing a high …

Designer babies: what's not to like? [57]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

The Christian Science Monitor (6-25-12), in response to scientists for the first time mapping the DNA of a fetus, recently had a commentary questioning the ethics of “designer babies”–altering a …

Relational Passwords [55]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

In the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, director Stanley Kubrick had HAL the computer be an immature, petulant, super-powerful machine God who waged war on two poor astronauts who were …

Three minutes of Zen [54]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Boomers will remember the song, Afternoon Delight, by the Starland Vocal Band. I particularly enjoyed that song because for decades afternoon was my yummiest time to make love. Is afternoon …

American Tantra [50]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Eastern traditions have a long history of sexual/spiritual philosophies and practices, commonly referred to in the west as “Tantric.” Over the last century, many westerners have studied these approaches (often …
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Emotional Dialysis [48]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

James Grotstein is a famous psychoanalyst/author who lives and works in L.A. He’s brilliant, funny, and can make dry psychoanalytic giants like Melanie Klein and Wilfred Bion sound hip and …

For Becky [46]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Valentine memories I love to see you at a distance Walking, unmistakable, adorable I love to touch you in the morning Sleepy, vulnerable, infinitely desirable I love hearing our first …

TEDxAmericanRiviera – Dr. Keith Witt – A Five Star Practice for Creating Beautiful Relationships

In General, TEDx Talks by Dr. Keith Witt

Dr. Keith Witt is a psychotherapist, teacher, and author who has lived and worked in Santa Barbara, CA. for over thirty-eight years. He received his BA in Psychology and MA in Counseling Psychology from UCSB, and his PH.D. in Clinical Psychology from the Fielding Institute. He was licensed as an MFT in 1975 and as Clinical Psychologist in 1988.
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Secure Attachment in Adults [34]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

In the last blog we looked mostly at attachment in children. We ended with the hopeful news that secure adults raise secure kids, and all humans are programmed for secure …
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What are dreams anyway? Dreams are Pricesless Guides and Mirrors to our Souls

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Amazingly to me, and I imagine to anyone else who works with dreams, there is a lot of disagreement about what dreams are. Some believe they are merely neurological events with little inherent meaning (E. O. Wilson in his otherwise awesome book, Consilience, takes this position), but these people are way in the minority. Modern research, clinical work, and wisdom traditions tell us that dreams are multileveled and have many interweaving meanings and functions. For example:
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Recommended Meditation – Through 4 States of Consciousness

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

As I’ve done this meditation through each of the eight chakras, I’ve found that the different states have unique flavors, except that nothingness—Causal consciousness or sunyata—always feels the same. I mentioned this to Ken Wilber once when I was visiting him in Denver. He was escorting me down the hall and, when I asked him about it, he stopped, smiled, and said, “Each chakra is different, but pure emptiness is always the same—pure emptiness.”
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Be Aware of Defensive States – The Instant That Can Change Everything

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Our emotional, reactive, defensive selves are programmed into our brains to react to threat instantly. Our mature, conscious, socially intelligent selves are based in the prefrontal cortex behind our eyes, and it takes up to a second and a half for conscious attention to catch up to the rest of us in a critical situation. That second and a half is huge.
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The Danger of Sexual Addiction and What To Do If You're a Sex Addict

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Patric Carnes is the father of the sex addiction and recovery movement. His book, Out of the Shadows shines a light on compulsive sexuality as a destructive force that can demolish individuals and devastate families. Modern American culture finally understands that compulsive sexual acting out exists and is a problem very much like alcoholism, drug addiction, and compulsive gambling—but not exactly.
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10 Statements Guaranteed to Drive Guys Crazy

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Happy couples are interested in having as few checks as possible on their partner’s “I’ve had it!” lists. They figure out how to compromise and help each other gradually shrink their lists and cut way down on annoying behaviors over time. If you ask them how their marriage is doing, they’ll give you a variation of what I think is the ideal answer: “We’re not perfect, but we love each other and we’re both working at getting better at loving each other.”
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10 Statements Guaranteed to Drive Women Crazy

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Several years ago, I was working with a stay-at-home Mom named Cynthia. She had three small children and a hardworking husband named Jim who often arrived home tired and irritable. He’d waltz in, announce his presence, collapse on the couch in front of TV while Cynthia cooked dinner, served it, and gave the kids baths, stories, and put them down. When she asked Jim to help, he usually refused. “I’ve been working all day while all you’ve had to do is play with the kids,” he’d complain. Or, on the rare occasions when he roused himself from the couch to actually pitch in with homework, housework, or to play with the children, he’d make a big show of what a hands-on dad he was and how lucky Cynthia was to have him around. Being a particularly clueless kind of guy at this point, Jim had no idea that such whining was guaranteed to neutralize any pleasure his wife might feel from him lending a hand.
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Treating People Like Objects Is Always a Bad Idea – Here's Why

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Once Eric and Camille got the message about not treating each other like objects, it marked a real break-through in their marriage, because they’d finally become conscious of each other’s humanity when they were upset. They could be distressed yet simultaneously see the other person as a real human being with fears and hurts. Their love and compassion for each other deepened over the years, and I’m happy to say that the man who could so easily insult his wife and the woman who attacked my wall are now entering the fourth decade of a pretty darn good marriage.
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Private vs Secret | When is it appropriate to withhold information? | TMI

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

Remember: Privacy is good. Many of the private thoughts and feelings you keep to yourself are part of what makes you unique. They can make you happy, and can certainly help you get along better with everyone you know—and your spouse in particular. Secrecy, on the other hand, is almost always destructive, especially in intimate relationships.

Welcome to the School of Love [01]

In General by Dr. Keith Witt

“All you need is love.” When the Beatles sang it, I believed it. Do you? One of the most potent things I’ve learned in my 37 years as a psychotherapist …

100 reasons not to have the secret affair: Keith Witt at TEDxAmericanRiviera

In General, TEDx Talks by Dr. Keith Witt

Dr. Keith Witt He has conducted over fifty thousand therapy sessions in Santa Barbara with individuals, couples, and families from all walks of life including the film and music industries, corporate management, information technologies, engineering, academia, the law, and a full spectrum of other cultures. He has also led hundreds of groups, and taught numerous classes and workshops.